Different aspects of “Le Diasema” have been (or will be) presented at the following conferences:
- Cigana Lorenzo, Thanasis Georgakopoulos, & Stéphane Polis. “Hjelmslev as a “forerunner” of the semantic map method in linguistic typology”. In: 20th International Congress of Linguists. The Dynamics of Language. Cape Town: South Africa (scheduled for July 2–6, 2018).
- Thanasis Georgakopoulos, Eitan Grossman & Stéphane Polis. “Weighted lexical semantic maps for areal lexical typology: Verbs of perception and cognition as a case study”. In: 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (December 12–14, 2017). http://www.dynamicsoflanguage.edu.au/alt-conference-2017/
- Thanasis Georgakopoulos & Stéphane Polis. “Towards a web-based platform for plotting, visualizing and enriching diachronic semantic maps. A case study on the Greek and Egyptian temporal semantic field”. In: 13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. University of Westminster, London, UK (September 9th 2017). http://hdl.handle.net/2268/214389
- Thanasis Georgakopoulos & Stéphane Polis. “Lexical Diachronic Semantic Maps”. Poster at the International Summer School on Typology and Lexicon (TyLex). Moscow, Russia (September 2nd-8th 2017). http://hdl.handle.net/2268/214356
- Thanasis Georgakopoulos & Stéphane Polis. “Dynamicized semantic maps of content words: Comparing long-term lexical changes in Ancient Egyptian and Greek”. In: 23rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics. San Antonio, Texas (July 31st 2017). http://hdl.handle.net/2268/213269
- Thanasis Georgakopoulos & Stéphane Polis. “Mapping the diachrony of content words: Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian as sources for diachronic semantic maps of lexical items”. In: 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia (scheduled for July 10–14, 2017). http://hdl.handle.net/2268/213195
- Thanasis Georgakopoulos & Stéphane Polis. “The diachrony of polysemy networks. Cognitive and cultural motivations for the semantic extension of time-related lexemes in Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian – Coptic”. In: 7th International Conference of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics. Liege, Belgium (June 2nd 2017). http://hdl.handle.net/2268/211412
- Thanasis Georgakopoulos & Stéphane Polis. “Le Diasema. Lexical Diachronic semantic maps: Representing and explaining meaning extension. A short introduction to the project”. In: Diasema Talks, University of Liège, Liège, Belgique (March 10th 2017). http://hdl.handle.net/2268/208074