Kernos 34 (2021)


par André MOTTE et Vinciane PIRENNE-DELFORGE


Nicolette PAVLIDES, Heroes, Politics, and the Problem of Ethnicity in Archaic Sparta (Résumé/Abstract)
Maria MILI, Croesus’s Lost Shield and other Marvellous Objects (Résumé/Abstract)
J.Z. VAN ROOKHUIJZEN, The Erechtheion on the Acropolis of Athens (Résumé/Abstract)
Petra PAKKANNEN, Beyond Skin-deep: Considering the Pig in Ancient Greece through the Particularities of Its Skin (Résumé/Abstract)
Yulia USTINOVA, “The Story of a New Name”: Cultic Innovation in Greek Cities of the Black Sea and the Northern Aegean Area (Résumé/Abstract)
Athanassia ZOGRAFOU, Gods around the Grave: Hermes and Hecate in Early Attic Curse Tablets (Résumé/Abstract)
Christopher A. FARAONE, The Lead Tablet from Tongres: Curse or Amulet? (Résumé/Abstract)

Chronique des activités scientifiques

Epigraphic Bulletin 2018, par Angelos Chaniotis
Chroniques bibliographiques