CREMS, University of York, 18-19 mars 2016

Communication d’Hélène Miesse, « Goro Gheri as the “perfect secretary” »

Gregorio Gheri da Pistoia (ca. 1470-1528) is still an “antico segretario”, according Alessandro Tassoni (Considerazioni sopra le Rime di Petrarca, 1618) which, after Petrarca, used the expression to describe the conjunction, in a single man, of rhetorical, diplomatic and cultural abilities. The career of Lorenzo II de Medici’s secretary happened before having been completed the hard and nonlinear change – acted by treatises’ authors – that saw the secretary’s role shifting from erudite counsellor at the prince’s service, to the role of servant in a more of the secretary.

The letters that Gheri transcribed in his copialettere (Archivio di Stato de Florence, copialettere di Goro Gheri, 5 unità; Mediceo avanti il Principato, 142) have never been studied in a systematical way. Thanks to those numerous documents, it is possible to retrace the many-sided figure of Gheri who was a kind of “perfect secretary”, according the definition given by the latter authors of treatises. The letters show that Gheri was together a man of the court, almost a member of the family, a lawyer, an expert in political matters as well in artistic culture and diplomacy.


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