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    Of Buying Many Books There Is No End: Paratextual Marks as a Source for the History of the Book in Islam. Lecture by Frédéric Bauden

    19h00Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, The Al-Sabah Collection, Al-Kuwait, Koweit

    During the Mamluk period, Cairo was renowned for its book markets and the richness of its public and private libraries. Over the last century, there has been renewed interest in the history of the book, collecting and libraries. Published studies focused on data provided by primary sources, but largely overlook information supplied by the books themselves. Paratextual marks, the focus of this lecture, are now the subject of greater scrutiny, as they constitute original pieces of valuable information on the history of the books. More than ever, these marks also give us the opportunity to analyze the itineraries of these objects

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    15. Internationaler Kongress zur Diplomatik: Quellen zur Geschichte der „internationalen“ Beziehungen zwischen politischen Zentren in Europa und der Mittelmeerwelt (ca. 800–1600): Briefe – Urkunden – Verträge. Internationale Tagung der Commission internationale de diplomatique in Kooperation mit der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

    Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

    In the frame of the 15th International Congress on Diplomatics, Frédéric Bauden (Liège) and Marta Manso Rubio (Universitat de Barcelona - Institució Milà i Fontanals (CSIC)) will read a paper entitled "L’alliance conclue entre le sultan mamelouk Khalīl et le roi d’Aragon Jacques II en 692/1293" on 6 October 2018.

    Programme of the conference


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    Launching RASCIO - Workshop, organized by Élise Franssen

    9h-18h30Sala Archivio, Università Ca' Foscari, Venise

    This workshop is the opening event of Élise Franssen's Marie Skłodowska-Curie project "RASCIO" (Reader, Author, Scholar in a Context of Information Overflow. How to manage and master knowledge when there is too much to know?" — grant agreement n° 749180; see here).

    It is intended to be a methodological and case-studies’ round-table. The different topics to be addressed are:

    • Methodology and note-taking strategies
    • Correspondence between scholars/littérateurs and networking
    • Scholars’ libraries
    • Digital humanities and on-line editions

    For the full programme, see: Workshop RASCIO - program.