Turin – 18-19/03/2019
Meeting n°1: ‘Crossing Boundaries’
Turin – 18-19/03/2019
Computerizing Handwritings: Current Approaches on Historical Documents
The Board meeting on March 18-19, 2019 in the Museo Egizio was preceded by the visit of the impressive exhibition ‘Archeologia InVisibile’ and devoted to laying the ground for a smooth operational workflow by the researchers in Basel and Liège (transcription, transliteration, translation, etc.) and by the team in the Museo Egizio (scanning, documentation, restoration). We also devoted our attention to the accessibility and the guidelines of the database TPOP and its interface with other digital platforms such as Ramses Online. Finally, we agreed that ‘Crossing Boundaries’ would hold a Hieratic summer school in the Museo Egizio in September 2020 devoted to the study of an unpublished heterogeneous papyrus.
Invited expert: Serge Rosmorduc