Publications in Preparation

  • A. Fanciulli, K. Gabler, J. Izak, M. Landrino, M. Müller, R. Pietri, S. Polis, N. Sojic, S. Töpfer and S. Unter (eds), New Kingdom Hieratic Collections From Around the World. Part 2 (Aegyptiaca Leodiensia 13.2; Liège) – in preparation.

  • R. Pietri, Modalités et conséquences de l’adaptation d’un même texte magique sur différents papyrus: le cas des versions turinoises de P. Chester Beatty IX, vs, B1-B18, in F. Albert / C. Ragazzoli (eds), Questions sur la scripturalité égyptienne. Des Registres graphiques aux Espaces d’écriture (Cairo) – submitted and accepted.

  • K. Gabler & M. Müller, P. Turin Cat. 2014 in Context – in preparation.

  • S. Polis, The Empire Strikes Back. A Piece of Rhetoric in a Letter Warning the Workmen Against the Consequences of Protests and Uprisings under Ramesses IV (P. Turin Cat. 1928+Cat.1963/001+Cat2051+CP80/32–38) – in preparation.

  • A. Dorn & S. Polis, The Turin Papyrus Map. A Complete Edition of P. Turin Cat. 1879+ – forthcoming.

  • F. Hagen, R. Pietri, S. Polis, New Witnesses of the Prohibitions (including a version on papyrus), temporary title – in preparation.

  • K. Gabler, M. Müller, R. Pietri, S. Polis, A New Witness of the Teaching of Amenemope (Fragments CP45+CP142/???+CP154/005 of the Museo Egizio), temporary title – in preparation.

  • R. Pietri, Two (or Three ?) Witnesses of p. Chester Beatty IX, v°, B1-B18, temporary title – in preparation.

  • R. Pietri, The Satirical Letter of Hori on Papyrus in Turin (and their Verso), Aegyptiaca Leodiensia, temporary title – in preparation.

  • S. Polis, L. Prada, N. Sojic, The Turin Brontologion. For the Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde in preparation.

  • S. Polis & P. Seyr, New Witnesses of the Supplementary Chapter LdM 166 (P. Brooklyn 37.899, P. IFAO H 152, et P. Turin CGT 54062) – in preparation.

Project Publications

  • Crossing Boundaries (ed.), New Kingdom Hieratic Collections From Around the World. Volume 1, Liège, ULiège Press, 2024 (= Aegyptiaca Leodiensia 13.1).

  • K. Gabler, E. Hertel, A. Loprieno, M. Müller, R. Pietri, S. Polis, S. Unter, Crossing Invisible Boundaries: An Erased Letter to the Chief of the Storehouse Ḥwy, in: O. el-Aguizi & B. Kasparian (eds), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists ICE XII, Cairo, 3–8 November 2019 (Bibliothèque générale 71 / Cairo 2023), 753–760.

  • R. Demarée, K. Gabler, S. Polis, A Family Affair in the Community of Deir el-Medina. Gossip Girls in two 19th Dynasty Letters, in S. Gülden, T. Konrad, and U. Verhoeven (eds), Ägyptologische «Binsen»-Weisheiten IV. Hieratisch des Neuen Reiches: Akteure, Formen und Funktionen. Akten der internationalen Tagung in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz im Dezember 2019, Abhandlungen der Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Einzelveröffentlichung 17 (Stuttgart, 2022), 44–126.

  • S. Polis, The Messy Scribe from Deir el-Medina. A Paleographical Journey through the Texts of a Draughtsman and Scribe from the 19th Dynasty: Pay (i), in S. Gülden, T. Konrad, and U. Verhoeven (eds), Ägyptologische «Binsen»-Weisheiten IV. Hieratisch des Neuen Reiches: Akteure, Formen und Funktionen. Akten der internationalen Tagung in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz im Dezember 2019, Abhandlungen der Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse. Einzelveröffentlichung 17 (Stuttgart, 2022),  405–453.

  • S. Unter, Transforming Fragments into Documents: Hieratic Papyri and the Use of Machine Learning, in K. Gabler, A. Verbovsek, S. Bickel and E. Hemauer (eds) Formen kultureller Dynamik: Impuls – Progession – Transformation. Beiträge des zehnten Basler und Berliner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie (BAJA 10), 29.11.–01.12.2019 (GOF IV, Reihe Ägypten 68; Wiesbaden, 2021), 159–172.

  • E. Hertel, S. Unter, K. Gabler and A. Loprieno, Crossing Boundaries Between Humanities and Informatics: the Case of Egyptian Papyri, Classics@ 18(1) (2021), 13 pages.

  • R. Demarée, A. Dorn, S. Polis, ‘Les listes de maisonnées de Deir el-Médina (“Stato civile“): Nouveaux fragments de l’Ifao et localisation de l’archive d’une lignée de scribes’, BIFAO 120 (2020), 171–220.

  • K. Gabler & M. Müller, ‘A Vizier’s (Maybe not so) New Pieces of Furniture in the Renaissance Era: The Drawings and the Texts of P. Turin Cat. 2034 in Context’, in K. Gabler, R. Gautschy, L. Bohnenkämper, H. Jenni, C. Reymond, R. Zillhardt, A. Loprieno-Gnirs, H.-H. Münch (eds) Text-Bild-Objekte im archäologischen Kontext. Festschrift für Susanne Bickel, LingAeg StudMon 22 (Hamburg 2020), 117–150.

  • S. Polis, K. Gabler, C. Greco, E. Hertel, A. Loprieno, M. Müller, R. Pietri, N. Sojic, S. Töpfer, S. Unter, ‘Crossing Boundaries. Understanding Complex Scribal Practices in Ancient Egypt’, Rivista del Museo Egizio No. 4 (2020).

Previous Publications

  • K. Gabler, ‘Methods of Identification among the Deir el-Medina Workmen and their Service Personnel: The Use of Names, Titles, Patronyms and Identity Marks in Administrative Texts from Deir el-Medina’, in B.J.J. Haring et al. (eds), Proceedings of the Conference “Decoding Signs of Identity“, December 2013, Leiden (Egyptologische Uitgaven 32; Leiden / Leuven, 2018), 191–218.

  • K. Gabler & D. Soliman, ‘A 18th Dynasty Letter from the Valley of the Queens: P. Turin provv. 3581 in Context’, Rivista del Museo Egizio No. 2 (2018).

  • A. Loprieno, ‘Towards a Detailed Perspective on Deir el-Medina’, in A. Dorn / T. Hofmann (eds), Living and Writing in Deir el-Medine. Social-Historical Embodiment of Deir el-Medine Texts (Aeyptiaca Helvetica 19; Basel, 2006), 165–170.

  • A. Loprieno, Vom Schriftbild (Basler Universitätsreden 105; Basel, 2007).

  • A. Loprieno, M. Müller, and S. Uljas, Non-Verbal Predication in Ancient Egyptian (The Mouton Companions to Ancient Egypt 2; Berlin, 2017).

  • M. Müller, ‘Der Turiner Streikpapyrus (Turin 1880)’, in B. Janowski / G. Wilhelm (eds), Texte zum Rechts- und Wirtschaftsleben (Gütersloh 2004), 165–184.

  • M. Müller, ‘Es werde Licht? Eine kurze Geschichte von Öl & Fett in Deir el-Medina in der 20. Dynastie’, in B.J.J. Haring, O.E. Kaper and R. van Walsem (eds), The Workman’s Progress. Studies in the Village of Deir el-Medina and Other Documents from Western Thebes in Honour of Rob Demarée (Egyptologische Uitgaven 28; Leiden / Leuven, 2014), 175–190.

  • S. Polis, ‘Le serment de P. Turin 1880, vo 2, 8-19: une relecture de la construction iw bn sDm.f à portée historique’, in M. Collier & S. Steven (eds), Ramesside studies in honour of K. A. Kitchen (Bolton, 2011), 387–401.

  • S. Polis, ‘Linguistic variation in ancient Egyptian: an introduction to the state of the art (with special attention to the community of Deir el-Medina)’, in J. Cromwell & E. Grossman (eds), Scribal repertoires in Egypt from the New Kingdom to the early Islamic period (Oxford, 2017), 60–88.

  • S. Polis, ‘The Scribal Repertoire of Amennakhte Son of Ipuy: Describing Variation across Late Egyptian Registers’, in J. Cromwell & E. Grossman (eds), Scribal Repertoires in Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Early IslamicPeriod (Oxford, 2017), 89–126.

  • S. Polis & V. Razanajao, ‘Ancient Egyptian Texts in Contexts: Towards a Conceptual Data Model (the Thot Data Model – TDM)’, in Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Section Digital Approaches to the Ancient World 59:2 (2016), 24–41.

  • S. Töpfer, ‘The Turin Papyrus Online Platform (TPOP): An Introduction’, Rivista del Museo Egizio 2 (2018).

Related Publications

  • A. Dorn & S. Polis (eds), Outside the Box. Selected Papers from the Conference ‘Deir el-Medina and the Theban Necropolis in Contact’, Liège, 2729 October 2014 (Aegyptiaca Leodiensia 11; Liège, 2018).

  • K. Gabler, Who’s who around Deir el-Medina. Untersuchungen zur Organisation, Prosopographie und Entwicklung des Versorgungspersonals für die Arbeitersiedlung und das Tal der Könige (Egyptologische Uitgaven 31; Leiden / Leuven, 2018).

  • A. Loprieno (ed.), Ancient Egyptian Literature. History and Forms (Probleme der Ägyptologie 10; Leiden, 1996).

  • A. Loprieno, La pensée et l’écriture: pour une analyse sémiotique de la culture égyptienne. Quatre séminaires à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des Sciences religieuses (Paris, 2001).

  • A. Loprieno, ‘Interdisziplinarität und Transdisziplinarität in der heutigen Ägyptologie’, in T. Hofmann & A. Sturm (eds), Menschenbilder – Bildermenschen: Kunst und Kultur im alten Ägypten (Norderstedt, 2003), 227–240.

  • S. Polis, ‘Les relations entre futur et modalité déontique: à propos des sens du futur III en néo-égyptien’, in Lingua Aegyptia 14 (2006), 233–250.

  • S. Polis, ‘Interaction entre modalité et subjectivité en néo-égyptien: autour de la construction mri + jw circ. « souhaiter que »’, in Lingua Aegyptia 17 (2009), 201–229.

  • S. Polis, A.-C. Honnay, and J. Winand, ‘Building an Annotated Corpus of Late Egyptian. The Ramses Project: Review and Perspectives’, in S. Polis & J. Winand (eds), Texts, Languages & Information Technology in Egyptology: Selected Papers from the Meeting of the Computer Working Group of the International Association of Egyptologists (Informatique & Égyptologie), Liège, 6–8 July 2010 (Liège, 2013), 25–44.