Liège – 02-03/12/2020
Meeting n°6: Online-Meeting ‘Crossing Boundaries’
Liège – 02-03/12/2020
Meeting n°6: Online-Meeting
‘Crossing Boundaries’
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 6th general meeting of the ‘Crossing Boundaries’ project, which ought to have taken place in Liège, was turned into an online meeting. Via Zoom, team members and collaborators spread across five countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Switzerland) met for two days in order to discuss key aspects of the project. Besides reports about ongoing PhD and Post-doc projects as well as joint publications, the main topic discussed was the adjustment of the workflow to the current circumstances, taking full advantage of the digital orientation of our project. Among the decisions having a broader impact, we decided (1) to postpone the summer school (originally planned for 2020 in Turin) to September 2022 (if possible), (2) to turn the general conference about ‘New Kingdom Hieratic Collections Worldwide’ into an edited volume (submission 2022), and (3) to repurpose part of our budget for student assistants who will support the increased workload in terms of digital encoding.