Turin – 18/03/2021
Meeting n°7: Online-Meeting ‘Crossing Boundaries’
Turin- 18/03/2021
Meeting n°7: Online-Meeting ‘Crossing Boundaries’
Due to the lasting Covid-19 restrictions, the 7th general meeting of the ‘Crossing Boundaries’ project, which ought to have taken place in Turin, became an online meeting via Zoom. The team members (from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Switzerland) met for one day in order to organize joint work for the months to come. Besides administrative aspects (budget, next meetings, etc.), the main topics discussed were: (1) the workflow for transcribing the hieratic fragments and for their encoding in TPOP , (2) the Virtual Light Table – a beta version will soon be available for the project members! –, (3) the use of LabelMe in order to tag hieratic signs, groups, and words that will be used as input by neural networks designed to cluster similar hieratic texts together, (4) the edited volume ‘New Kingdom Hieratic Collections Worldwide’, for which the call for papers has been recently sent out and which is scheduled to appear in the Aegyptiaca Leodiensia series in 2023.