Turin – 24/09/2021
Meeting n°9: ‘Crossing Boundaries’
Turin – 24/09/2021
Meeting n°9: ‘Crossing Boundaries’
On Thursday 24th of September, the team of the “Crossing Boundaries” project was reunited in Turin for the first time after one and a half year of pandemic. The team members from Liège combined the 9th general meeting with a research stay at the ‘papiroteca’ of the Museo Egizio, focusing on fragments that will be included in forthcoming publications about (1) parallels to the Satirical letter of Hori and (2) parallels to the Papyrus Chester Beatty IX, as well as about (3) strikes under Ramesses 4 and (4) a cryptographic text transcribed in hieratic. The Basel team joined for the meeting, while some associated members participated online. As usual, Rob Demarée was there to support the project with his expertise. During the meeting, Stephan Unter released the second version of the Virtual Light Table, which can be now tested large-scale by the team. Its incorporation within the Turin Papyrus Online Platform was discussed with the IT company 3×1010. Decisions were taken regarding the long-term preservation of research data, and the preparation of the volume New Kingdom Hieratic Collections Around the World was discussed.