Liège – 17/12/2021
Meeting n°10: Online Meeting ‘Crossing Boundaries’
Liège – 17/12/2021
Meeting n°10: Online Meeting ‘Crossing Boundaries’
The 10th general meeting of the ‘Crossing Boundaries’ project, originally planned in Liège, took place via Zoom, because of the long-lasting Covid19 situation. The PhD candidates and Post-docs from Basel, Liège and Turin reported on ongoing work about a variety of topics, including the analysis of palimpsests, machine learning applied to the recognition of hieratic characters, and the reconstruction of papyri. Plans were made for the final steps of the restauration process at the Museo Egizio and for the encoding of the hieroglyphic transcriptions of all the fragments of hieratic texts in TPOP. The budget of the three teams for 2022 was presented and approved, and the next research visits to the papiroteca scheduled. A separate meeting will be set up for discussing the editorial team of the volume New Kingdom Hieratic Collections around the World.