This book argues for a much greater antiquity of human language than has usually been presumed in recent research... SPEAKING AUSTRALOPITHECUS. A NEW THEORY on the ORIGINS of HUMAN LANGUAGE DOWN


Speaking Australopithecus. A New Theory on the Origins of Human Language

Date de parution : 01/2017
Éditeur : Edizioni dell’Orso
Nombre de pages : 64
ISBN : 978-88-6274-727-1

This book argues for a much greater antiquity of human language than has usually been presumed in recent research (according to which it was born with Homo Sapiens at the end of Middle Paleolithic – 50.000 years ago – or at the most with some Neandertal, 200.000 years ago), providing linguistic and archaeological evidence for seeing the appearance of Australopithecus , between 4 and 3 million years ago, as the stage of our evolution when the emergence of an articulated language took place…

The Authors

Francesco Benozzo, Lecturer in Philology at the University of Bologna, is one of the leading advocates of the Paleolithic Continuity Paradigm for Indo-European Languages. His numerous books concern the evolution of our cultures and traditions in the frame of Ethnophilology, a discipline of which he is considered the founder. A poet and musician, since 2015 he has been nominated to the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Marcel Otte, Emeritus Professor of Prehistory at the University of Liege in Belgium, is one of the best experts concerning the study of the origins of modern humans in Eurasia, which he has studied in his many books from an evolutionary perspective. He is the President of the “Eurasian Upper Paleolithic” Commission at the UISPP/ International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, and Visiting Professor at the “Institut de Paléontologie Humaine” in Paris.


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Francesco Benozzo (2017), L’Australopiteco e l’origine del linguaggio. Linguistica, Scienze e Ricerche 46 (5-13)
« Centro Studi e Museo d’Arte Prehistorica », 31/01/2017, Speaking Australopithecus. A New Theory on the Origins of Human Language
« RTBF », Le 19:30, de 01/2017, Le Langage : bien plus vieux qu’on ne pensait
« La Libre » du 26/12/2016, Et si Lucy avait été capable de parler ?
Colloque à l’Académie des Sciences, « Des gènes à la culture », Paris, Mai 2015, L’Art et la pensée dans l’évolution humaine, Marcel OTTE / Slides PPT* / Slides PDF*
Marcel Otte & Foni Lebrun-Ricalens, Modes de contacts et de déplacements au Paléolithique eurasiatique / Modes of contact and mobility during the Eurasian Palaeolithic. ERAUL 140, 2014
Marcel Otte, Les origines de la pensée. Archéologie de la conscience, Sprimont, Pierre Mardaga Éditeur (coll. « Psychologie et Sciences humaines », 230), 2001 – WorldCat / UniCat / Google Books
Marcel Otte, Did Indo-European Languages Spread Before Farming ?, Current Anthropology, vol. 40, n° 1, 1999, p. 73-77 (en collaboration avec Jonathan Adams)
Francesco Benozzo (2016), Origins of Human Language: Deductive Evidence for Speaking Australopithecus, Philology 2