Papyrus: P. Turin Cat. 1906 verso © Scan/Museo Egizio
Crossing Boundaries
Understanding Complex Scribal Practices in Ancient Egypt
The ‘Crossing Boundaries’ Project proposes a contextualised, interdisciplinary approach to the written material produced by the highly literate ancient Egyptian Community of Deir el-Medina.
The Turin Papyrus Online Platform
… is our working and publishing tool in whose development we have been actively involved. Each TPOP entry includes metadata about the objects (fragments), features of the script and a description of the text content (hieroglyphic transliteration, transcription, translations).
Annotation and Detection of Sign Groups
… comprises the workflow for one of our approaches on the automatic sorting, identification and classification of papyri based on their texts.
The Virtual Light Table
… is a digital worktable which allows scholars to access and filter the papyrus fragments in TPOP, add them to the table, and move, rotate, or flip them to find matching pieces and reconstruct documents.
Fibre Structure Analysis
… could offer a new method to accurate predictions for joining fragments according to the structure of papyri. In a test set-up with modern papyri we provide a consistent light environment using a wide range of different settings to record the fibre and surface structure.
Recovering Erased Texts
… is a key component to understanding manuscript (re)use and is achieved by developing new approaches of recording ink traces on papyrus.